2001 - Present

Over a Century

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In the 21st century LIUNA has led the way for trade unions in its commitment to growth and member activism.

Brent Booker became the 11th General President of LIUNA on May 1, 2023. Also, effective May 1, 2023, Michael F. Sabitoni became General Secretary-Treasurer.

Preceding General President Booker and General Secretary-Treasurer Michael F. Sabitoni, Terry O'Sullivan served for almost 24 years as General President and Armand E. Sabitoni served for more than 22 years as General Secretary-Treasurer. Read more.

On April 13, 2023, LIUNA leaders gathered to celebrate the union's 120 year anniversary and developed plans for growing and strengthening the union. 

In November of 2021, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was signed into law in the United States, committing the single greatest infrastructure investment in generations to restore roads and bridges, water systems, transit, and broadband. The investment will put Laborers to work in every community, revitalize our nation’s economy, and open doors to the middle-class for hundreds of thousands of working men and women.

At the 2011 LIUNA Convention, LIUNA committed to political and member activism through the LIUNA PAC and resolutions to enhance member communications and engagement.

At LIUNA’s 2006 Convention, LIUNA made a landmark commitment to help more workers join the union with the passage of resolutions that would raise more than $100 million a year for organizing – more than any construction union and more than virtually any union in North America.

LIUNA spearheaded the opening of its first construction charter school for high school students in 2003. The New England Laborers'/Cranston Public Schools Construction and Career Academy teaches students about the construction industry, opens the door to job opportunities for students upon graduation has won praise from the community and the construction industry.

When the deadly attack on the World Trade Center occurred on September 11, 2001, LIUNA members were first on the scene to help the rescue and recovery efforts and then later in the re-building of what would be known as Freedom Tower.

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Organize or Die

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LIUNA on September 11

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Rebuilding After 9/11


Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working-class History, Volume 1. Edited by Eric Arnesen. 2007.

The Laborer: 100th Anniversary Edition. 2003

LIUNA History 1903 – 2003. Mike Matejka, Great Plains Laborers’ District Council. 2013.

LIUNA New England Region. Download April 2014.

Minnesota LECET Newsletter. December 2013. Edited by Dwight Engen.