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Between Conventions, the work of LIUNA is carried out through its General Executive Board, which is comprised of the General President, the General Secretary-Treasurer and 14 Vice Presidents.
The Constitution places a significant amount of the International’s day-to-day operating authority within the Office of the General President (GP). The GP has the responsibility of appointing and directing Regional Managers, International Representatives and staff. The GP can issue variances, tolerances or exemptions from the Constitution where the GP deems it justified by particular circumstances. The Constitution provides the GP with the authority to investigate the conduct of subordinate bodies. The GP is responsible for the defense of the International Union in litigation and appoints International Representatives and delegates to various bodies. The GP and the General Secretary-Treasurer are jointly empowered to enter into national or area collective bargaining agreements and to charter new affiliates.
In the first instance, all members of the General Executive Board are elected by secret ballot by the delegates chosen by their Local Unions to attend the Union’s General Convention that is held once every five years.
If more than one candidate for an office received at least 10 percent of the relevant delegate vote at the Convention, then a general membership vote shortly after the Convention will be held to determine the winner.
This organizational structure and the rights, duties, and obligations of members, officers, and affiliates are set forth in the International Union Constitution, the Uniform Local Union Constitution and the Uniform District Council Constitution.