LIUNA Action Network

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Hire Local

 LIUNA has hiring halls and training centers in hundreds of U.S. cities and has been helping local workers and underserved communities start careers in construction since 1903. As cities and localities have increasingly struggled with urban area unemployment , LIUNA has ramped up efforts to train local workers and joined with social justice allies to push for progressive legislation to create good jobs for local residents in cities around the country.

  •  In Washington, DC, LIUNA spearheaded passage of a city ordinance replacing an ineffectual “good-faith” local hire policy with First Source, which has a stronger local hire mandate and an improved enforcement mechanism. 
  • LIUNA is also pushing policymakers to put more Washington, DC residents to work on DC Water and Sewer Authority projects – with only 11% of locals on water projects – there is plenty of room for improvement.
  • In Nashville, a LIUNA-led coalition is advocating for a commitment to local hiring for the city’s planned sewer upgrades.
  • In Milwaukee, LIUNA has been active in strengthening a city ordinance that requires contractors on city development and public works projects to employ unemployed or underemployed residents for 40 percent of project hours and pay a prevailing wage.