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Historic Accomplishments, Statement on President Joe Biden's Withdrawal from the Presidential Election Race

Washington, D.C. (July 21, 2024) – Brent Booker, General President of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – made the following statement today:

Joe Biden has accomplished more in his one term than any president in modern times.

His unwavering support of working men and women and his respect for the value of hard work is not rhetoric for him, it is a reflection of who he is. He is our nation’s most pro-union president, ever.

President Biden’s passage of legislation providing the most significant investment in our nation’s infrastructure will live on for years in the lives of hundreds of thousands of workers who will proudly labor at rebuilding the backbone of our country.

His leadership in returning the foundations of our manufacturing base back to our country will positively affect the economy for decades. The President’s rescue of the hard-earned pensions of hundreds of thousands of retirees will matter for a generation of workers who will have security and dignity after a life of hard work.

His insistence that the transition to renewable energy sources not leave workers behind, and his skill in enacting policies to make that a reality, is testament to his belief that no one in America should be left out.

President Biden’s clear-eyed sense of right and wrong — from finally ridding the nation of lead pipes that harm children, to staring down authoritarians whether they hail from Moscow or Mar-a-Largo, to consoling those who have suffered loss — are the character traits of a great President and a great human being.

We must hope for and work for more leaders cut from President Biden’s cloth, leaders who seek to unite people toward common goals, who see bipartisanship as the path to progress, and who never forget that, as he often reminds us, “Wall Street didn’t build America, the middle-class did — and unions built the middle class.”

Joe Biden has had our back, and we will always have his. While we respect his courageous decision to step aside, we will miss him. America is a better place because of his service.

Now, the proud, strong, united men and women of LIUNA, inspired by President Biden’s legacy and his historic accomplishments, will get to work defending those accomplishments and making sure that an anti-union, anti-worker, divisive and dangerous president does not return to the White House.


The half-million members of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – are on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build the United States and Canada.