LIUNA Applauds Bipartisan Immigration Reform, Urges Full Measures to Combat Unscrupulous Employers
Washington, D.C. (January 29, 2013) – Terry O’Sullivan, General President of LIUNA - the Laborers’ International Union of North America – issued the following statement on bipartisan efforts to achieve comprehensive immigration reform championed by President Obama:
“It is encouraging to see the President and Senators from both parties working together in support of comprehensive immigration reform. I look forward to working with the White House and policymakers from both parties to achieve true immigration reform that strengthens our nation and enables millions of undocumented workers to step out of the shadows and into the American workforce.
“LIUNA believes in establishing a clear path to citizenship for the 12 million undocumented immigrants currently residing in the United States who have violated no
law other than their lack of documentation. Our current immigration policy leaves far too many undocumented workers vulnerable to employer pressure and permits wholesale worker exploitation that drives down wages and corrodes working conditions for all similarly employed workers - citizens and immigrants alike.
“Comprehensive reform can only be achieved by addressing our archaic visa policy, failed guest worker programs, inefficient employment verification systems and
bureaucratic backlogs that keep families apart and create the conditions that allow unscrupulous employers to thrive in our current system.
“LIUNA offers its full support to the President and Congress in building a stronger America for us all through comprehensive immigration reform.”