LIUNA General President Terry O'Sullivan Praises Nomination of Tom Perez for Labor Secretary
Washington, D.C. (March 18, 2013) – Terry O'Sullivan, General President of LIUNA - the Laborers' International Union of North America – issued the following statement on President Obama's nomination of Thomas E. Perez to head the U.S. Department of Labor:
"The half-million members of LIUNA applaud the nomination of Thomas E. Perez as our nation's 26th Secretary of Labor. Perez is a fearless and distinguished advocate for
the rights and advancement of all working Americans, whether blue, pink or white collar and whether aspiring citizens, veterans, students or retirees. Our country needs a
strong and effective Labor Secretary who will fight to strengthen occupational safety laws, wage and hour standards, and unemployment and re-employment benefits, and we are confident Perez can meet that need. We urge Congress to confirm his nomination and look forward to working with him to protect and strengthen opportunities for
America's working men and women."