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LIUNA launches Clean Power Progress to Drive Common Sense Energy Policy

Union campaign to spotlight the urgency of natural gas in meeting climate change goals and future energy needs

June 23, 2016 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) launched Clean Power Progress, an ambitious state-by-state campaign to drive a common-sense energy policy that will help our nation meet clean energy goals and our growing energy needs.

Clean Power Progress will advocate for natural gas as a crucial bridge to a clean energy economy. The federal government’s Clean Power Plan goals are ambitious and will lead to a shift away from traditional energy sources, which could mean a 21 percent nationwide energy deficit by 2030 unless more energy is brought online. Natural gas is abundant in America, it produces little carbon, and has been credited as a key driver behind the decline in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in recent years. The campaign also will focus on the importance of nuclear energy and clean coal technology.

“Clean Power Progress will cut through the politics and ideology that have distorted the debate on clean energy,” said LIUNA General President Terry O’Sullivan. “Natural gas is already helping us reduce our carbon emissions – it burns cleaner, results in lower energy bills, and even backs up renewables. Clean Power Progress will demonstrate that if we develop this resource to the highest standards, we can keep the lights on and help cut America’s greenhouse gas emissions.”

The planned closures of 10 nuclear energy plants and misguided opposition to natural gas infrastructure is putting many states in the cross-hairs. The Clean Power Progress campaign will highlight the energy shortage each state will face as they work to meet clean power targets.

“It’s time to take a hard look at our energy needs and start bridging the gap with a common-sense energy policy that includes natural gas,” O’Sullivan said. “Renewables hold a tremendous amount of potential but as they are brought to scale, natural gas is critical as a cleaner source of energy.”

Clean Power Progress tools will help lawmakers and policymakers identify key infrastructure needs and identify a comprehensive solution that will keep the lights on in 2030 and beyond.

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The half-million members of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – are on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build America.