LIUNA Praises Senate Passage of Immigration Reform
“A historic step forward for our nation’s 11 million aspiring citizens”
Washington, D.C. (June 27, 2013) – LIUNA General President Terry O’Sullivan made the following statement on the passage of comprehensive immigration reform by the U.S. Senate. “LIUNA has long been a fierce advocate for fair and far-reaching immigration reform that strengthens our borders, provides a clear and concise path to citizenship, levels the playing field for honest employers and allows everyone in America – immigrants and non-immigrants – to work free from harassment, intimidation or exploitation.
“We are pleased that the Senate passed long-overdue comprehensive immigration reform today. I commend the Gang of 8 and the Senate for showing leadership on this extraordinarily important issue. While this bill is not the bill that we would have written ourselves, it does contain the main immigration principles that LIUNA has been advocating for. We will all benefit as a country with the enactment of this bill.
“We encourage the U.S. House of Representatives to support the Senate’s framework for a balanced, bipartisan solution to our nation’s broken immigration system. It would be tragic to come this close to passing the most significant immigration reform measure in the past 30 years only to see it collapse under the weight of unreasonable requirements or be transformed into nothing but a false promise for millions of aspiring citizens who love America.”