LIUNA Makes Near-Million Dollar Push for Congress to Act: “Another short-term patch, simply duct-taping the roads and bridges we all rely on, must be off the table”
Washington, D.C. (May 13, 2014) – Terry O’Sullivan, General President of LIUNA – the Laborers’ International Union of North America – made the following statement on the recently announced Surface Transportation Bill introduced by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee:
“We commend the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for introducing a long-term, full investment highway bill that, if passed, will go a long way toward providing the stability that is so urgently needed to make our roads and bridges safer and strengthen our economy. Since Congress now has several viable, responsible options in front of them, there is no excuse for further delay.
“We are planning an aggressive effort that will zero in on the consequences of inaction. Our multi-media campaign will start with a significant investment in provocative, hard-hitting billboards, radio ads, online tools, events and activities in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.
“Another short-term patch, simply duct-taping the roads and bridges we all rely on, must be off the table. To put the trust back in the highway trust fund, we must prevent further deterioration. For LIUNA, passage of a highway bill is about jobs, but, as with every American, it’s about ensuring the safety and reliability of our transportation system.”