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Your Workforce Partner

LIUNA's membership is a half-million strong and growing. LIUNA recruits and trains construction workers across the U.S. and Canada to meet labor needs.

LIUNA members are skilled experienced Construction Craft Laborers who build our nation’s infrastructure. LIUNA has hiring halls and training centers in hundreds of U.S. cities and has been helping build communities since 1903. Working with LIUNA, developers and planners have a strong workforce partner to build state of the art infrastructure.

LIUNA members are diverse and committed to working with social and economic justice allies to create good jobs for local residents and encourage local hiring. LIUNA is a strong advocate for projects that strengthen communities by creating family-supporting union jobs.

Looking for help with federal grant opportunities? Connect with us.

Your Training Partner

LIUNA training helps members and contractors work smarter and better.

LIUNA training includes more than 50 different courses, opening the doors to new opportunity and advancement for members and providing contractors with the skills they need. Classes are available in every state in the U.S. and every province in Canada and provide valuable learning in areas such as hazardous materials remediation, remote tunneling, concrete work and an array of building construction skills.

Training helps employers compete with higher productivity and quality, and helps workers earn more and work more safely.

Find out more from the LIUNA Training and Education Fund.